Brian J Sanderson

Brian Sanderson
  • Lead Scientist
  • Kansas INBRE Data Science Core at KU-Lawrence


Throughout my career I have been motivated to understand genetic interactions within and between organisms, and how those interactions drive the evolution of complex phenotypic and behavioral traits. As a graduate student and postdoctoral researcher I studied the evolution of sex determination systems in plant species, as well as the role of plant-pollinator interactions in the evolution of reproduction structures. I then worked for several years at the biomedical nonprofit The Jackson Laboratory, where I developed scientific software to support the analysis of genomic, transcriptomic, and imaging data from in vivo preclinical cancer models. Across my educational and industry work experiences I have conducted research in diverse model and non-model insects, fungi, plants, and mammals in the field, at the wet lab bench, and as a data analyst.


Ph.D. in Biology, University of Virginia, 2016, Charlottesville, VA
B.S. in Genetics, University of Kansas, 2009, Lawrence, KS